If there is a reason to remove food that has already been made from someone’s check then you need to use Wastage
From the front select the item that you need to Waste from the Current Ticket list
Click on "Order Functions" > "Wastage"
You will be asked for a reason and have the option to add notes. Choose a reason and add notes if needed
An override is required for this function. The privilege for this is in Back Office > Employees > Privileges > “Waste Items”
The Item will stay on the ticket but have the value reduced to zero. This way the products still come out of Inventory correctly and reports as Wastage
In this case you can use wastage in the back office.
Go to Back Office > Inventory > Wastage
You will see a list of all of the products which you can filter if you wish to find the products in question.
You are presented with the following screen
Once all the items and amounts have been added to the Wastage event Press Save.