The amounts shown here are the actual amounts taken so will include tax if any has been applied
Status – Currently this can be either Account which means it has been paid using an account. Completed means it has been paid for with one of the usual payment methods. Voided means that the payment has been voided from the control panel and the sale has been canceled
Order ID – The Order ID is what is sent to the kitchen to link the printouts together. It also lilnks the invoices. If you split the order into 2 tickets then the invoice number will be different for each ticket but the order number will be the same you can see that they were part of the same order
Ticket - The ticket number paid on the order.
Invoice ID – The ID attached to the invoice. Each ticket is a different invoice so if you split the ticket into 2 tickets the order number will be the same but the invoice number will be different
Terminal – The terminal that settled the transaction
Method – The order method used
Customer – Customer name if available
Cashier – Name of the Cashier that settled the transaction
Date and Time – Date and time the transaction was settled
Total – How much the transaction was settled for
Searching for Transactions