Managing TypeSets for Menu Customization | OrderCounter

What are TypeSets?

TypeSets are what you would choose if you wanted to limit the number of items the end user can choose. For example: 3 scoops of ice cream with different flavor options.

To Manage these, go to Control Panel > Menu management > Modifier sets (Create / Edit)

To create a new TypeSet, Selecting “New Set” on the Item Modifiers Sets screen.

To edit existing TypeSets, select a TypeSet and select "Edit Set"
To duplicate existing TypeSet, select a TypeSet and select "Duplicate Set
To see all type sets, select the "All Sets" dropdown and select "TypeSets"

Sort order” - This will set the modifiers print order. Lower numbers print first 

Font Size” - Will determine the size of the font on the modifier buttons

Text position - Determines where the text will show on the modifier buttons

Button Layout”: Will determine the size of the modifier buttons when they display

Required” - With Typesets, if “required” is ticked and then a modifier is required when the item is selected. 

Min” – This field only appears when you tick “Required” This will set the minimum number of modifiers you are required to enter. This only works with typesets, not optionsets

Print on customer receipt” - If enabled will print on the customer receipt. If not then it won’t. It will print to the kitchen either way

“Allow multiples Max =” - The maximum total items you can put through. Unlike optionset if you set the max to 4 then you can only choose 4 options total

Auto Add All Options” will automatically add one of each modifier In this group to the item when it is sold

Availability” Sets which order types can sell this modifier 

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