Tip sharing allows you to collect the tips from transactions and disperse them via job descriptions.
Creating A Tip Share
Navigate to Back Office > Settings > Tip Shares
Click "Add Tip Share"
Enter the Name, Split Type, Minimum Hours, and Percentage that should go towards each job title.
Even Split: Splits money evenly among employees who qualify (based on job code and minimum hours worked).
Proportionate Based On Time Worked: Employees receive a percentage of the money based on the percentage of hours they worked
compared to total sum of hours worked by all employees who qualify.
Click "Save Tip Share" when done
Creating A Fee Group
Now that you've created a Tip Share, you'll need to create a Fee Group to share the percentages from either the total revenue made or by the various
order types to the Tip Share before tips will be shared.
Navigate to Back Office > Settings > Fee Groups
Enter a name and click "Add Group"
Set up the percentages that the tip's should goto.
*Note you will see your tip share where you can adjust how much of the tips are going into the funds before being shared*
Click "Save Group" when done