Starting And Ending The Day

Starting And Ending The Day


Starting the day means putting the tills into a position where employees have a way to settle a check.

Ending the day is declaring that the tills are closed and taking an account of the money

Starting the Day

Opening a till

There are 2 ways to take money. Either through the Till, which means a cash draw. Or by using a Personal Bank, which means money belts. 

Both of these are just virtual locations that the reports will reflect. They will either say the money is in the till or the bank (money belt)

There are 2 different types of Tills, Back Office > Settings > Tills > Till Types

“Group Till” – Any employee will be allowed to settle a check. Any money taken will go to the till

Strict Till” - Only employees that are assigned as a cashier to the till can use the tills to take payments. You can assign a cashier in Control Panel > Till and Back Manager. Select 'Add Cashier' and then the employee from the drop-down box and click “Add User” 

Personal Banks are set on or off for each order type. This affects all employees that use that order type. So either all employees can use personal banks for an order type or none of them can.

This Is set in Back Office > Settings > Tills > under the “Personal Bank Settings” section there are settings for 

Table Order

Bar Order

Retail Order

Takeout Ordre

Delivery Order

Starting Amount

Driver banks

To settle a check, an employee needs to be assigned to a till (strict till), use group tills or have personal banks enabled for that order type.

If you are assigned to a till or are using group tills but  are not allowed personal banks then the money will go to the cash draw. If you have a personal banks allowed  but no till open or assigned then the money will go to your personal bank. If you have both, then the money will go to your cash draw

You also need to be able to settle to at least one payment method

  These settings can be found in The Back OfficeSettings > Pos > Table Service section. 

Again, these settings are store wide. 

Server Accept Cash

Server Accept Credit

Server Accept Check

Server Accept Gift Card

Server Accept Gift Certificate

Scenario 1 – Personal Banks are not used and anyone can settle a check using the till (group till)

  1. Go to the front end > > >

  1. You will then be asked for the open till amount. One option will be the default amount set in Back Office > Settings > Tills > Default Starting Amount.  The other option will be a custom amount. This is asking how much money is in the cash draw right now. How much are you starting with?

  1. You need to have permission per employee to open a till. This is set in Back Office > Employees > Privileges > Ltd Till Open. This need to be set to “Yes”

You will now be able to take payments

Scenario 2 – Personal Banks are not used and only people assigned to the till are allowed to settle a check (Strict Till)

  1. Follow the steps above to open the till. You must add a cashier to the till in order to take payments

  2. Go to the front end > > >

You need to have permission per employee to assign cashiers. This is set in Back Office > Employees > Privileges Mgr Till/Bank Open/Assign

  1. Enter your passcode

  1. Pick an employee from the list

That employee will now be able to take payments

Scenario 3Only Personal Banks are used. There are No Cashdraws.

In this case you would set the till to be “Strict” but not assign anyone to the till.

You would enable personal banks for the order type you intend to use

  1.  The first time you settle a check, the system will try and open a personal back for you. 

You will be presented with this message

There is a security setting that sets if you are allowed to do this. 

Back Office > Employees > Privileges > Ltd Bank Open and Ltd Bank Close

  1. Enter the passcode for an employee with the correct privilege

You will now be able to settle checks

Scenario 4 – you want to use personal banks and tills. 

You will want to set the Till to be Strict and enable Personal Banks for the order type you wish to use. Do not assign the people with personal banks to the till. If you do then any money processed by them will go the till and not the bank.

Ending the Day

Closing a bank or a till is you telling the system that you are finished with that till or bank and you are ready to count up the money and make sure it matches.

You can close out a till and bank before running the end of day. This is what is recommended. However Running the EOD will actually close the tills and banks at every till but will assume that the money count is perfect and there is no variance

There are several reports that print out from the receipt printer when you run the end of day. These can be enabled or disabled from Back Office > Settings > POS under the End of Day / Reports

I Suggest you turn them all on and then look to see which ones you think will be useful and disable the rest

Closing a Till

  1.  Go to the front end > > >

You need to have permission per employee to close a till. This is set in Back Office > Employees > Privileges > Ltd Till Close. This need to be set to “Yes”

    2. Enter a Passcode

The till at this point is closed. You could if you wanted to open another till at this time. Now you can view the closed till and decide if you want to perform a declaration. That is to count the money, enter it and see if there is a variance. 

This is referred to as closing out the till

      3. Click on

You need to have permission per employee to view a closed till. This is set in Back Office > Employees > Privileges >View Closed Tills/Banks

  1. Enter a passcode

  1. Choose a Till or Bank from the list

  2. Click on

  1. You will then get a screen where you can enter the amount for each settlement type


You can turn off the expected amounts by changing Back Office > Settings > Pos > Show Expected Values to Off

If there is a variance in the amount entered then you will get a warning saying there is a variance and will be asked if you would like to accept. 

If there are multiple tills open then close out the rest in the same way. 

After the till is closed a Till report will print from the receipt printer 

Till Report

Terminal 001

Drawer #1

Till Reference # 38

11/26/2018 9:02 AM

Starting Amount               $300.00

Transaction Totals

Cash Transactions (1) $39.41

Total Transactions (1)                $39.41

Tip & Gratuity Totals

Total Tips$ 0.00

Expected Totals

Expected Cash                $339.41

Expected Total                     $339.41

Employee Stats

Pay Ins (0)                          $0.00

Pay Outs (0)                         $0.00

Guests                                   1

On Account (0)      $0.00

Discounts (0)             $0.00

Comps (0)                    $0.00

Pre Send Removals (0)          $0.00

Post Send Removals (0)         $0.00

Guests                                   1

Average Check                       $37.00

Category Sales

Category Sales             $37.00

Employee Sales

Lee Furness                       $39.41

Tax Code Sales

Default Taxrate Sales:            $37.00

Default Taxrate Collected:         $2.41

Till/Bank Closeouts

Till/Bank Closeouts

Till/Bank Cash Total           $0.00

Cash Totals

Cash Expected                 $339.41

- Starting Funds                ($300.00)

+ Tll/Bank Closeout Cash          $0.00

Cash Deposit                      $39.41

Register Totals

Cash Deposit Total                $39.41

Pay Outs (0)                         $0.00

Discounts (0)                    $0.00

Non Cash Deposit Total         $0.00

On Account (0)                                $0.00

Grand Total                          $39.41

Sales Totals           $37.00

+ Tax Collected    $2.41

- Discounts                  $0.00

+ Tip Discount             $0.00

- On Account               $0.00

+ Pay Ins                       $0.00

- Pay Outs                                            $0.00

+ Starting Cash              $300.00

Expected Total        $339.41

11/26/2018 9:02 AM

EMP SIGN: _______________________________

MGR SIGN: _______________________________

Total Attached: __________________

Closing A Bank

  1. Go to the front end > >

All of the banks will be listed under “Personal Banks

If Back Office > Employees > Privileges > Ltd Bank Info is set to Yes” then the employee will be able to see the expected amounts on their bank but will not be able to see anybody else’s. 

If Back Office > Employees > Privileges > Ltd Bank Info is set to No” then the expected amounts will be hashed out as shown here.

If you are setting up a manager and you want them to be able to see the expected amounts for all Personal Banks then set Back Office > Employees > Privileges > Mgr Till/Bank Info  to Yes

     2. Go to the front end > >   > Select the bank >  

You need to have permission per employee to close a Bank. This is set in Back Office > Employees > Privileges > Ltd Bank Close. This need to be set to “Yes”

  1. Enter a Passcode

At this point the Bank is closed. You could if you wanted to open another bank at this time. Now you can view the closed Bank and decide if you want to perform a declaration. That is to count the money, enter it and see if there is a variance.

Lots of customers decide not to do this step on banks as if there is a variance the employee will be expected to pay the difference. However, if you wish to preform a declaration this is how you do so.

      4. Click on

You need to have permission per employee to view a closed till. This is set in Back Office > Employees > Privileges >View Closed Tills/Banks

  1. Select the bank you wish to close then select 

  1. You can now enter your declaration and select

  1. Agree to a variance if the variance is correct

At this point you will receive a “Server Bank Report” from the receipt printer

Server Bank Report

Lee Furness

11/26/2018 10:46 AM

Transaction Totals

Credit Transactions (1)             $15.98

Total Transactions (1)              $15.98

Tip & Gratuity Totals

Credit Tips                          $2.99

Total Tips                           $2.99

CExpected Totals

Expected Cash                      ($2.99)

Expected Credit                    $18.97

Expected Total                      $15.98

Employee Stats

Discounts (0)                        $0.00

Comps (0)                            $0.00

Pre Send Removals (0)                $0.00

Post Send Removals (0)               $0.00

Guests                                   1

Average Check                       $15.00

Category Sales

Default Category Sales              $15.00

Cash Totals

Cash Expected                      ($2.99)

- Starting Funds                     $0.00

Cash Deposit                       ($2.99)

Total Cash Due: ($2.99)

EMP SIGN:______________________________

MGR SIGN:______________________________

End of Day

Once all Tills and Banks are closed you can perform the “End Of Day

If you perform the “End Of Day” without closing the Tills and Banks then they will be closed automatically and it will be assumed that the declaration is perfect and there are no variances

All transactions must be complete in order for the Tills and Banks to close when running “End Of Day


  1. Go to the front end > > >

  2. The end of day will now run

You will get several reports print at this point and a backup will be performed

Some of the reports can be disabled from Back Office > Settings > POS under the End of Day / Reports

If you have not already closed the Tills and Banks then the reports that print when they are closed will now print. 

The report that will always print is the “End of Day Report” This reports figures are from all of the Tills and all of the Banks combined

End of Day Report

11/26/2018 11:09 AM

Gross Sales:                       $129.93

Refunds (0):                        $0.00

Discounts (0):                       $0.00

Comps (0):                           $0.00

Pay Ins:                             $0.00

Pay Outs:                            $0.00

Fees Collected:                      $0.00

On Account:                          $0.00

Adjusted Gross:                    $129.93

Tax Collected:                     ($7.94)

Giftcards Sold (0):                  $0.00

On Account:                          $0.00

Pay Ins:                             $0.00

Pay Outs:                            $0.00

Net Sales:                         $121.99

Deposit Summary

Cash Trans (2):                     $60.71

Cash Gratuity:                       $0.00

Tips Collected                     ($2.99)

Pay Ins:                             $0.00

Pay Outs:                            $0.00

Fees Collected:                      $0.00

Cash Gratuity:                       $0.00

Cash Refunds (0):                    $0.00

Cash Event Deposits:                 $0.00

Cash Deposit Expected:              $57.72

Credit Trans (2):                   $69.22

Online Credit Trans (0):             $0.00

Credit Tips:                         $2.99

Credit Refunds (0):                  $0.00

Credit Event Deposits:               $0.00

Credit Deposit Expected:            $72.21

Check Trans (0):                     $0.00

Check Tips:                          $0.00

Check Refunds (0):                   $0.00

Check Event Deposits:                $0.00

Check Deposit Expected:              $0.00

Gift Card Trans (0):                 $0.00

Gift Card Tips:                      $0.00

Gift Card Refunds (0):               $0.00

Gift Card Event Deposits:            $0.00

Gift Card Deposit Expected:          $0.00

Other Payment Trans (0):             $0.00

Other Tips:                          $0.00

Other Payment Event Deposits:        $0.00

Other Payment Expected:              $0.00

Expected Deposit:                  $129.93

Event Deposits:                      $0.00

Adj Gross:                         $129.93

Discounts (0):                       $0.00

Comps (0):                           $0.00

Pay Ins:                             $0.00

Pay Outs:                            $0.00

On Account:                          $0.00

Fees Collected:                      $0.00

Gross Sales:                       $129.93

Expected Deposit Total:            $129.93

Deposit Adjustment:               ($44.73)

Actual Deposit Total:               $85.20

Accounts Invoiced:                   $0.00

Giftcards Sold (0):                  $0.00

Giftcards Redeemed (0):              $0.00

Voided Transactions (0):             $0.00

Refunds (0):                         $0.00

Table Orders (4):                  $129.93

Bar Orders (0):                      $0.00

Retail (0):                          $0.00

Takeout (0):                         $0.00

Delivery (0):                        $0.00

For Here (0):                        $0.00

To Go (0):                           $0.00

Drive Thru (0):                      $0.00

Account Payments (0):               $0.00

Deposits (0):                        $0.00

Guests:                                  4

Transactions:                            4

Payments:                                4

Average Net Trans:                  $30.50

Average Net Payment Trans:         $30.50

Pre Submit Removals (0):            $0.00

Post Submit Removals (0):            $0.00

Other Payment Methods


What to do if you get this message

This message will appear if you are using tills but have not opened a till

If you are using strict tills but have not been assigned to the till

Are using personal banks but personal banks have not been enabled for that order type

Changes or suggestions can be made here:
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