Availability allows you to select when a member of staff is and is not available to work. It is part of the legacy Schedule feature which is still used by some clients. It is now highly recommended that for scheduling you use Schedule Gopher Employee ...
This setting can be found in the Back Office under Settings > POS > General Settings Determines whether the Item Availability Notice button appears on the login screen. Options On/Off
Privileges control what you are able to do within the system. Privileges are split into Employee Privileges and Back Office Employee Privileges control access to the front end Back Office control access to the back office Back Office privileges are ...
This is where you can edit the employee information that you entered when you created the employee. For example, if the employee moved house then this is where you would go to change the address. Employee Information can be managed from the Employee ...
This setting can be found in the Back Office under Settings > POS > General Settings Prompts to create backup if a backup has not been made in set number of days..