Override Tax On Menu Items Based On Order Method

Override Tax On Menu Items Based On Order Method


This feature will enable you to automatically change or remove tax on some Menu Items when using particular Order Methods. This is because there are legal requirements in some locations to charge a different tax rate when eating out vs eating in. This however only impacts some foods.

Setting up

      1) Go to the Back Office > Settings > POS > “Tax by Order Method”       2) Change Tax by Order Method to Yes and Save       3) Click on the blue Setup link       4) Here you can choose which order methods will override the Tax rate for particular Menu Items. Choose the Tax rate you want to automatically apply when using each order method and press save       5) Go to the Menu Item edit screen from either the back office or the front end       6) There is a checkbox called “Don’t Allow Tax Override” If you enable this box then the tax rate will never be overridden. This means you need to tick this box for any item you do not wish to charge a different rate

Using The New Override Feature

In this case we are selling a pastry. This can be eaten in or taken out. If the customer eats in then they pay tax. If the customer eats out, then they don’t.

We set up the item to have “Don’t allow tax override” Unticked. We want to override the tax for this item

We want to change “Tax by order method” to be “On”, and we want to choose “Tax Exempt” for the order method of “Takeout

Now when we use “Takeout” order method to sell the Item it will not charge tax but if we use any other order method it will.

Be careful to check the “Don’t allow tax override” setting and tick it for any item that you want to be overridden by this new feature.

Changes or suggestions to this article can be made here: https://tinyurl.com/ordercounterotomi
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