Sales Summary

Operations Report

This is your main report and will show you what you need to know on a day to day basis

The Operations Report can be found in the Back Office under Data Mining > Sales Reports

Information on the various sections in the Operations Report can be found in these articles below

    • Related Articles

    • Sales Summary

      This section of the Operations Report shows you your total sales for the day. The operations report can be found in the Back Office under Data Mining > Sales Reports Sales Summary Gross Sales – Total of all sales before discounts/comps and tax Does ...
    • Sales Summary By Taxcode

      This section of the Operations report shows you your tax codes, sales and tax collected against each taxcode. The operations report can be found in the Back Office under Data Mining > Sales Reports Sales Summary By Taxcode Tax Exempt - Total amount ...
    • Tips Summary

      This section of the Operations report lets you know what payment method was used to give tips. The operations report can be found in the Back Office under Data Mining > Sales Reports Sales Summary By Taxcode
    • Sales By Order Method

      This section of the Operations Report shows the total amount of money being made from each order type. This includes Cash, Credit Card, Gift Card, Check, and other payment methods. The operations report can be found in the Back Office under Data ...
    • Deposit Summary

      The Deposit Summary section on the Operations Reports outline the total amount of money received as a deposit. This includes Cash, Credit Card, Gift Card, Check, and other payment methods. The operations report can be found in the Back Office under ...