Managing Table Sections in OrderCounter | Restaurant Table Management Guide

Managing Table Sections

Managing Table Sections in OrderCounter

Table sections help you organize your restaurant's tables into groups. This way, your staff can easily see which tables they are responsible for, preventing mix-ups and ensuring smooth service.

Setting Up Table Sections

  1. In OrderCounter, go to Back Office > Settings > Table Sections.
  2. Click the + button to add a new section.
  3. Give the section a name (e.g., "Patio," "Main Dining Room") and click Save.
  4. Repeat these steps to create all the sections you need.
  1. Under the "Tables" section, you'll see a list of all your tables. Assign each table to the appropriate section and set its capacity (number of seats).
  2. To make sure staff are assigned to specific sections, go to Back Office > Settings > POS and set "Assign Sections" to "Yes."
  3. Then, go to Back Office > Employees > Job Manager. Edit each job role and set "Choose Table Section" to "Yes."

How Table Sections Work

  • When employees log in, they'll be asked to choose their section if their job role has the "Choose Table Section" option enabled.
  • After logging in, employees will see their assigned tables in the usual colors on the screen.
  • Tables that are available but not in their section will appear in pink.
  • Tables that are occupied and not in their section will appear in gray.

Accessing Tables Outside Your Section

If an employee needs to access a table outside their assigned section, they can do so by entering an override code. This requires the "Access All Tables" permission.

Important Note: The colors for available and occupied tables might change if you're using "Advanced Table Statuses." However, employees will still only be able to access tables within their assigned section.

Example Scenarios

  1. Scenario 1: A waiter is assigned to the "Patio" section. They can only see and manage tables in the "Patio" section. If they need to access a table in the "Main Dining Room," they'll need to enter an override code.
  2. Scenario 2: A manager has the "Access All Tables" permission. They can see and manage all tables in the restaurant, regardless of the section.
  3. Scenario 3: A hostess is not assigned to any specific section. They can see all tables but cannot manage them (e.g., take orders, print bills).

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