How to Set Up a Cash Discount for Card Payments - OrderCounter

Cash Discount

The cash discount feature allows you to charge a fee for card payments. This fee can be set to automatically apply based on the payment method used. If you select all payment methods, it becomes a regular fee that must be paid to settle the bill. If only card payment methods are selected, customers can avoid the fee by paying with cash.

Setting Up the Service Fee
  1. Go to Back Office
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Select Service Fees

Service Fee Settings
  1. Service Fee Name: The name that appears on the screen and customer receipt.
  2. Service Fee Amount: The extra charge amount.
  3. Service Fee Type: Choose between Percentage (applied to all items) or Set Fee (a fixed amount).
  4. Count Towards Sales: Decide if the service fee is part of gross and net sales reports.
  5. Auto Add Orders: Automatically add the fee to selected order types.
  6. Auto Add Payments: Choose payment methods that trigger the service fee. If all methods are chosen, it acts like a regular fee. If only some methods are chosen, it functions as a surcharge (often called a cash discount).
Payment Fee Options
  1. Total Line: The bill total without the fee.
  2. Payment Fee Line: The amount of the fee.
  3. Total With Fee: The total amount including the fee.
  4. Tax Code: Choose the tax code for the fee or select tax-exempt.
  5. Add to Split Checks: Apply the fee to each ticket when splitting checks.
  6. Rounding Options:
    1. Always Round Up: Rounds up to the nearest penny.
    2. Always Round Down: Rounds down to the nearest penny.
    3. Round Up and Down: Rounds up if 0.005 or above; otherwise, rounds down.
Example Scenario If the remaining balance due is $5.33, and you select: Cash: The total remains $5.33. Credit: The total becomes $5.85, with $0.52 as the payment fee.
You can set the fee as a negative percentage to act as a discount. If card payment is selected, paying by card applies the discount, and paying by cash does not.

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