Once you have the bump bar plugged in, use the link below to download the program used to program the keys.
First thing you do is go to Configurations at the top and hit "Read from KB"
Make sure the right keyboard model is selected
This will automatically map the pre-defined keyboard macros to the buttons.
If you wish to edit these key binds, click on one of the K0# slots and replace the Key Content. After doing that, go back to configuration and select "Write into KB" After assigning these key binds, open the KDS and navigate to Advanced > Station Options > Additional KDS Bump Bar Keys
Assign the keys to the KDS buttons from the bump bar.
Example, if K01 is assigned to "B" on the keyboard, select "B" in the Bump (B) dropdown.
After assigning the keys, restart the KDS for these changes to take effect.