Break Monitoring

Break Monitoring


Break Monitoring will allow you to set the maximum number of hours an employee can work before taking a break. The system will then alert that person at login that they are due a break. At this point they can either take their break, continue without taking a break or skip their break

You can give someone the ability to be a “Break Monitor” which will (at login) alert them to any member of staff that is due a break. 

The Set Up

       1) Go to Back Office > Settings > POS > General Settings > “Break Monitoring”. Set “Break Monitoring” to “Yes

This will enable Break Monitoring notifications (An extra screen upon login)

      2) Go to Back Office > Employees > Job Manager > and edit a job.

When Editing a Job there are 2 new settings

Hours Between Breaks – How many hours the employee is allowed to work before they require a break

Break Notification Hour – How many hours the employee can work before being notified about a break. The law may require a break every 3.5 hours but you may want to be notified of a break at 3 hours.

      3) Enable the override for Skipping breaks

Go to Back Office > Settings > Overrides and set “Skip Break” to “On”

      4) Under to Back Office > Employees > Job Manager or to Back Office > Employees > Employee Manager > Job Privileges  Set “Skip Break” to “Yes” This will allow the employee get past the override and skip their break. Set this to “No” if you do not want the employee to be able to skip their breaks

These four steps are all you need to allow a person to be notified of breaks and have the ability to skip them.

If you want an employee to have visibility of all currently clocked in employees and when they are due for, or are overdue for their breaks then continue to step five.

      5) Go to Back Office > Employees > Job Manager > Click on the pencil icon next to one of the jobs to edit it > Under Job Privileges set Break Monitoring to “Yes

When you are clocked in using that job code you will, upon login in, be presented with a Break Monitor Screen. This screen will show all employees that are currently clocked in as well as information as to when they are due to take their breaks. 

To enforce the use of the break monitoring system you may want to set the employee privilege of “Clocked Out - General Access” to “No”. This will stop the employee form being able to log on without being clocked in

Using The Break Monitoring System

When you log in and have the Break Monitoring Privilege enabled, you will be presented with the following screen which will show all employees currently clocked in

Previous Clock-In – Time and date the employee last checked in

Name – Name of the Employee in question

Time Since Last Clock-In – How long it has been since the last time the employee clocked in 

Time Until Break Due/Past Due – If this is white then it represents the time until the employee is due a break. If this is red then it is the time that has elapsed since the employee should have taken a break

If the employee is clocked in using a job code that has the “Hours Between Breaks” and “Break Notification Hour” set, then they will receive notifications regarding breaks. The Break Monitoring setting will allow them to see the break monitoring screen upon login.

This is what the notification screen looks like.


Skip Break – This will clock you out then clock you back in again. 

Continue without skipping break – Allows you to log on without skipping the break. The next time you log on you will be presented with the same screen

In order to take your break you must clock out.


Back Office > Data Mining > Employee Reports > Employee Hours Report. If the employee skips their break then this report will show a clock out then a clock in 1 second later. The report will show that the employee chose to skip their break

Changes or suggestions can be made here:

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