Automatically Clocking Out Users

Automatically Clocking Out Users


This is a feature that will check a setting every half an hour. If the time since last clock in is longer than is set in this setting then the user will be clocked out. 

This setting is global an not set per user. This means that if it is enabled then any employee clocked in past the allowed time period will be clocked out

This allows the site to make sure people are not left clocked in accidently.

The set up

      1) Go to Back Office > Settings > POS > Timers > Auto Clock Out
      2) Enter an amount of time in hours. This is how many hours the employee is allowed to be clocked in for before they will be clocked out. “0” means it is not set
      3) Save Settings

Using the feature

      1) Clock in a user
      2) Wait the period of hours defined in the “Auto Clock Out” setting
      3) As the check occurs every half an hour it is possible that the employee will be clocked out up to 30 mins after the time set in the auto clock out setting
      4) If an employee is clocked out automatically, they will have a missing punch in the employee Hours Report to indicate that a punch needs to be added

Changes or suggestions can be made here:
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