Enhance Table Management with Advanced Statuses: Customizing Table Diagram Colors

Advanced Table Statuses

Advanced Table Statuses allow you to customize the status of tables in your restaurant, making it easier to manage table occupancy and service stages.

By default, tables have three colors:
  1. Green: Empty and ready to be occupied.

  2. Yellow: Opened and occupied by your server.

  3. Gray: Opened by another server.

When Advanced Table Statuses are enabled, you can create custom statuses with different colors and behaviors to suit your needs.

Advanced statuses can be used for other order methods but it is most useful for table orders

Setting Up Advanced Table Statuses:
Enable Advanced Table Statuses:
  1. Go to the Back Office.
  2. Navigate to Settings > POS > Advanced Table Statuses and switch it to "On".
Create and Manage Table Statuses:
  1. Go to Back Office > Order Statuses > Table Statuses.
  2. If no statuses are set up, click on "Add New" to create one.
There should be some set up already. If not then you can click on "Add New"
The first one we need is "Ready". A status to say that the table is not in use, clean and ready to go.

  1. Name: Enter a name for the status (e.g., Ready, In Use, Needs Cleaning).
  2. Rank: Use rank to order statuses. Lower ranks indicate earlier stages (e.g., Ready could be rank 1, In Use rank 2). You can use decimals to add statuses between existing ranks (e.g., 1.5).
  3. Color: Choose a color to represent this status on the table diagram.
  4. Table Ready Status: Check this if the status should reset the table for a new customer when no orders are pending.
  1. Guest Check Printed: Automatically changes the table status when the check is printed. Create a status like "Check Dropped" and assign a color and rank.
  2. Table Opened: Changes the status when a table is opened. Create a status like "Table Open" for this purpose.
  3. Last Check Paid: Updates the status when the last check is paid. Create a status like "Dirty Table" to indicate that the table needs cleaning.
Printing and Notifications

Printer Notifications:
  1. Enable Printer Notifications: If enabled, a message will print to selected printers when the status changes.
  2. Courses / Labels: You can set specific courses to automatically send items to printers when their status is selected. This helps track the meal progress and manage kitchen operations.
Using Advanced Table Statuses:
  1. Manual Changes: Click on the Change Status button on the order screen to manually update the table status.
  2. Automatic Changes: Configure items in Menu Item Management to automatically change the table status when specific items (like dessert) are ordered.

Example Scenarios
  1. Managing Busy Times:
    1. During peak hours, use advanced statuses to quickly see which tables are ready to be seated, occupied, or waiting for a check to be paid. For example, set "Ready" as green, "Occupied" as yellow, and "Check Printed" as orange to streamline your seating process.

  2. Tracking Meal Progress:
    1. Use different statuses to track the progress of meals. For instance, create statuses like "Appetizer Served," "Main Course Served," and "Dessert Served" to know exactly which stage each table is at, helping you provide timely service.
  3. Cleaning and Preparation:
    1. After customers leave, change the table status to "Dirty" (e.g., red) to signal the need for cleaning. Once cleaned, change it back to "Ready" (e.g., green) to indicate the table is ready for the next customer, ensuring quick turnaround times.

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